About STA
Our History
Established in the 1950s and originally known as the Singapore Sawmillers Association, it represented sawmills located along Kallang River and Beach Road which processed timber imported from Sumatra. Back then sampans were used to tow the logs and boilers were used to generate power for cutting of the logs.
In the 1960s and 1970s, due to the increased global demand in timber products, the number of sawmills increased exponentially across the island with large supply of logs coming from Malaysia. To alleviate traffic congestion, majority of these sawmills were consolidated in Sungei Kadut Industrial Estate in 1976.
In 1983, the Association, then registered under the Labour Law, officially registered Singapore Timber Manufacturers’ Association with the Registry of Societies.
In 2002, it merged with Singapore Timber Exporters Association and is renamed Singapore Timber Association, a Trade Association member of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry and is the sole trade association representing the timber trade in Singapore.
五十年代初,成立新加坡锯木商公会 (Singapore Sawmillers Association) 代表沿加冷河畔的十多间以蒸气锅轮发动的锯木厂家,当年树桐的来源主要靠印尼苏门答腊的原料,由俗称舯舡的帆船由海路运到新加坡加冷河口及美芝律海边卸货,再由“舢舨” 拖回工厂,锯成木板供应本地及出口到其他国家。
到六七十年代,国外对木材的需求激增,因此小型的锯木厂如雨后春筍般增加,会员分佈在全島各地:“巴耶礼峇、惹兰乌美、裕廊、兀兰的油池村等” ,由于木材原料増加来源自东马及西马,西马的木材多由大型卡车运来新加坡的工厂,为解决市区及交通问题,1976年政府规划双溪加株区作为木材业工业区,至此多数锯木厂便集中于此。
至1983年间,锯木厂商公会在劳工法令下注冊,后政府通知需注冊在社团法令下重新注冊,因此,于1983年12月改名为”新加坡木材厂商总会”( 英文名为:Singapore Timber Manufacturers Association) ,会员増加至一百三十多间,代表木材业及木材相关行业。
于2002年,新加坡木材出口商公会提议加入本会,因此,再次更改英文名字为 Singapore Timber Association,将厂商取消, 中文会名照旧保畄“新加坡木材厂商总会” ,成为我国唯一代表木材业的公会。
Our Mission
To establish global partnerships with other timber bodies in ensuring sustainable industrial practice.
Our Vision
To be a leading organization in interests of timber, its products and responsible practices to create a sustainable industry.
The Board of Committee
Ms. Yap Mui Kee May
PresidentLHT Holdings Ltd
Mr. Ng Heok Kwee Freddie
2nd Vice PresidentNg Guan Seng Woodworking Ind. P/L
Mr. Ng Lian Seng
Hon SecretaryPlony Timber & Trading Co Pte Ltd
Mr. Sim Beng Huat Henry
Honorary Vice SecretaryNS Trading Pte Ltd
Mr. Chua Jun Ming
Sing Mah Wooden Cases Manufacturer Pte Ltd
Mr. Lim Huay Soon Jimmy
Vice Treasurer
Chiang Lee Hup Plywood Industries Pte Ltd
Mr. Lim Bok Teck
Public Relations
Lim’s Timber Trading Co
Ms. Lim Yah Hui Jill
Vice Public Relations
Sim Seng Hin Sawmill Co Pte Ltd
Mr. Chua Chee Sheng
Tat Hin Timber Pte Ltd
Ms. Jean Goh
Vice Welfare
Xcel Industrial Supplies Pte Ltd
Mr. Chong Ki Ping
Committee Member
Hong Huat Timber Trading Pte Ltd
Mr. Koh Bon Pock PBM
Committee Member
Eastern Union Trading & Sawmill Co Pte Ltd
Mr. Low Boh Kee
Committee Member
Prime Timber Industries Pte Ltd
Mr. Ang Bang Yao
Committee Member
Thiam Soon Woodproducts Pte Ltd
Mr. Lau Koi Fong
Committee Member
Kenwood Industries Pte Ltd
Mr. Ryan Lim Er Lin
Committee Member
Yat Guan Private Limited
Ms. Neo Suzhen
AuditorYZ Timber Trading Pte Ltd
Mr. Teng Zong Liang, Fredrick
Vice Auditor
Kian Huat Timber Industries (1978) Pte Ltd
Mr. Choi Cheong Aik Rick
Reserved CommitteeHup Huat Timber Co (S) Pte Ltd
Mr. Siau Eng Kok
Reserved CommitteeKim Timber Pte Ltd
Upcoming Events
Our President & Committee Members of the Singapore Timber Association cordially invite you to our 2024 Chinese New Year Celebration.
January 22, 2024